Behavioral Medicine (BHVMD)
BHVMD 1120. Introduction to Medical Ethics. (1.5 Credit Hours)
The course is designed to serve as an introduction to recognizing moral-ethical dilemmas in medicine and appropriately addressing them. Students explore basic ethical concepts, theories and principles, and the importance of morality, virtues and values. Developing moral reasoning skills is emphasized. Additionally, the interaction between the law and ethics and maintaining professional behavior and standards are introduced. Each student brings values and beliefs from his/her family, religion, culture, education and personal experience; during the course, students evaluate and augment their beliefs.
BHVMD 2044. Introduction to History of Medicine. (1 Credit Hour)
The course is designed to equip students with a basic understanding of the historical development of the art of medicine. Through a historically deep and culturally broad survey, students will explore changing paradigms relating to the causes and treatment of disease, the goals of medicine, and images of the "healer" or physician. In the latter half of the course, the focus will shift to the historical context and development of osteopathic medicine. Special emphasis will be on founders Andrew Taylor Still, Summerfield Saunders Still, and Ella Daugherty Still and their lasting impacts upon the medical profession. Students will have the opportunity to work with artifacts and archival documents from Des Moines University's collection.
BHVMD 2107. Psychiatry. (2.5 Credit Hours)
This is a clinical case-based course designed to introduce the student to the field of psychiatry, with a focus on learning basic psychiatric nomenclature, important defense mechanisms, methods of assessment and diagnosis using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fifth Edition, psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment modalities for common mental disorders, and psychiatric risk assessment. The student also is introduced to the stigmatization of persons seeking mental health services.
BHVMD 2120. Medical Ethics II and Legal Topics. (2 Credit Hours)
The course is designed to assist students in understanding central issues of frequently encountered ethical-moral problems, and the interrelationship between medical ethics and the law. Cases that have shaped medical ethics, as well as the more subtle ethical issues arising in practice will be discussed. Potential ethical-moral problems faced by students during clinical rotations will also be explored. The emphasis will be on the development of case-based ethicalmoral problem-solving skills. In the latter half of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to apply ethical-moral decision-making and clinical ethical reasoning in the context of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE).